Enigma präsentiert das Superhero Branding an der NEXT16
Enigma präsentiert das Superhero Branding an der NEXT16
Wir sind stolz! Olivier Kennedy und Martin Künzi sind ausgewählt worden, an der NEXT16 in Hamburg zu präsentieren, dem Event für all jene, die aktiv daran beteiligt sind, die digitale Transformation zu gestalten.
A year and a half ago we decided to start tracking the performance of many brands around the world. We tracked more than 250 brands, with a tool the full potential and the result is the best brands are not the one who spend the most. There is a difference between Coca Cola and local syrup company. The local syrup company tries to involve the community, tries to involve people who talk about them. While Coca Cola as a traditional brand gets to people, get to the masses with a corporate voice.rnrrnrThe world of branding has changed in the last few years, we can see that we moved from idol brain to Superhero brands. The idol brands are brands that were really strong a century ago. We have the chance to have a tool called the full potential and we used it to scan more than 250 brands around Europe. And we’ve discovered that the most performant brands, the one that succeed the most are not the one that spent the most media space. And we would like to share the knowledge of that and the best practice that make a brand stronger today and make it a Superhero brand. Superhero brands are a more like high level brand. They talk to you, they interact with you and they have multiple way of being seen of appearing.rnrrnrSo our workshop, our talk would be about “How you tell stories in the 21st century”. We have developed some tools by using analysis, by doing the study with our talk to under 250 companies, where we found out what are the key factors on creating a stories. That is not only about the brand itself, but involves everybody as a way of a potential client. So it’s been about storytelling, it’s about story making.rnrrnrSo what are those best practices, well there’s many but best of all is not to mimic what was done before. Good branding today is not something with one logo, one color and send it away like this. It has to be much more alive, much more human.rnrrnrAirbnb and Uber are good examples of how it’s possible today. Not only for big corporations, but also for small players to grow in a speed of light.rnrrnrit’s very interesting to see that for example Tesla has outperform any other company in terms of branding in the car industry.rnrrnrSo we will bring you examples of companies in a new world, that have found out ways on how they can bring solutions to problems of today’s society and also by involving the community to do the work. So it’s really something different if you have a company from the last century and the company, a startup company and innovative company that tries to get into the market with new tools. It will show you these tools some of these tools that you can put into place right away.
Marketingleiter, Produkt Manager, Führungskräfte aus der Digital Economy Branche, innovative Unternehmen und Start-ups nehmen an der NEXT teil, um sich inspirieren zu lassen und sich zu vernetzen. Einmal im Jahr kommen hier rund 1300 digitale Köpfe zusammen, informieren sich über die neuesten Trends und machen ihre Unternehmen fit für die Zukunft. Die diesjährige Ausgabe wird im September in Hamburg stattfinden und Enigma wird ein Teil davon sein.
Die NEXT Konferenz wurde vor 10 Jahren ins Leben gerufen, um die frohe Botschaft der digitalen Transformation zu verbreiten, einer Revolution, die ─ in Zeiten, in denen sich das Kräfteverhältnis zu Gunsten der Konsumenten geändert hat ─ mit fortschreitender Geschwindigkeit das Marketing nach und nach verändert.
Wir bei Enigma haben eine neue Theorie zum Branding: Wir glauben, dass Werbung allein nicht genügt, um eine grosse Marke zu schaffen. Neue Marken steigen auf, die andere Wege gehen: Wir nennen sie Superhero Brands. Olivier Kennedy und Martin Künzi präsentieren an der NEXT das Superhero Branding.