Eingeladen von der Entrepreneur’s Organisation in Thailand hatte Olivier Kennedy das grosse Vergnügen, in Bangkok eine Konferenz über das Thema „Wie schafft man Meinungen in den Köpfen der Leute“ abzuhalten.
Vor einem erfreuten und aufmerksamen Publikum sprach Olivier Kennedy darüber, woher Meinungen kommen und wie man sie erschafft.
Unser ganzes Leben lang arbeiten wir alle mit Meinungen. Hat man zu viele Anhaltspunkte, weiss man nicht mehr, an was man glauben soll. Hat man weniger, worauf man sich fokussieren muss, bekommt man klarere Vorstellungen.
Olivier erklärte, wie Enigma ein Tool entwickelte, um herauszufinden, wie Kunden zu faszinieren sind und wie Meinungen in ihren Köpfen geschafft werden können. Die Rede ist vom Creative Footprint.
Durch einen 9-stufigen Prozess ermöglicht es Ihnen der Creative Footprint, den tieferen Sinn und die Architektur einer Marke zu entdecken und zu definieren.
Einer der wichtigsten Schritte in diesem Prozess ist, die Persönlichkeit, den Archetypen einer Marke zu finden, um Differenzierung innerhalb einer Kategorie zu erreichen und mentale Verknüpfungen zu erstellen, was das Storytelling erleichtert.
Dieses Tool ist sowohl für B to B als auch für B to C Strategien sehr effizient.
Stellen Sie sich vor, mit diesem Tool könnten Sie die politische Meinung von Menschen oder sogar ihr Glauben an Gott ändern!
Um mehr über dieses fesselnde Thema zu erfahren, sehen Sie sich das Video der Konferenz an!
Today I’m going to share with you the last stuff, the last thing we learn and discovered. And our quest to be more efficient in shaping belief and making marketing fantastic.rnrrnrWell it started this way, there was a dinner and I was at friends and there is a little girl, she’s called Sophia and she said : “What is your job, what do you do?”rnrDuring those few seconds where you like “How will I make it understandable immediately”, something came that was the first time and it’s.. “I transform beliefs”, that that’s my job. I work on transforming people believes and everything that I do has only this goal. And she said : “Are you working for God?”rnrI was like, “No.. but that would be exciting! Actually that would be really cool.”rnrrnrIn a way what we always do is trying to shape belief, we try to make people think it’s better and until recently, we never worked for religion, but we work in politics. And in politics, you have to go deeper because taking the risk of buying something is not a big risk, like you can try. But when you want to have people vote, it’s deeper. People have to believe that their vote will make the world a better place for them, the kids. It will make the world more interesting.rnrIn a way, all alive we operate around belief, all alive. The reason why you came here today is because you think you have a belief that, you will learn something. I hope that’s why you came here today and I have believed by offering you a presentation, that I have something to bring you. So we a common belief and we hope this belief will be concretes by some facts. But when you will walk out of this room, you will hold say.. I hope “Oh I learned something that is valuable”, but it might be a very different thing that each of you learn. Those different fact will create the same belief.rnrLet me give you an example of how belief are existed, as one example could be.. You go back in your hotel room and the little toilet paper is folded in a little form, by seeing that you like “Oh my room was clean”. No, you know you have no evidence that your room was clean from that. The only evidence you have from that, the only fact is someone came in your room and fold your toilet paper. But you suddenly believe that your room was clean. So, it’s by little element that we create believes because when you go.. I mean every penny your money we spend in marketing, usually is about creating a belief in to all those people mind.rnrrnrBefore this question from this little girl, I thought there is one way to go for product, one way to go for business-to-business, one way to go for politics and then I thought about this opening of “How do I create, how would I create belief for religion”. And then I thought by the way, this is all the same way. This is human where you change the belief. It’s just easier to convince that, this is the right price for this watch. Then you should believe in this God or not in this one, but it’s the same thing. It’s a belief. If I tell you “Think about a car”, please all have in your head the image of the car. You all have an image of a car? Probably it was all different cars in the room. So I give you one information and you your brain brings into you others and now I suddenly not shape it into one car. Let’s do it one more time “Think about something it’s it’s dark and calm”. The most probably, you will think about the night. But it’s not the night, it’s a cat. My cat is dark and calm, it’s a cat. And you see what we do is.. and our brain works only like that ..you put points and we create the link.rnrrnrTo create that we have to tap into imaginary and one of the thing is the common ground. And we developed a tool for that, that is called the creative footprint. We created a sort of framework to find out how can you construct something that people will believe. And we have many parts the first one is the why. Like why your company exists. Why does this is important for the world, for the place you’re around, for people around you.rnrrnrThen there’s a promise. What is the promise this service this company or this product makes? For example and we worked with Victorinox, for this watch that this the promised need to say is : “it’s super solid”. We can go with a track on it, it’s super solid. That’s the promise. I will never test it. I’m not going out there and put it under a truck, to have some car running over and then say “oh yeah”. But it’s the promise I believe.rnrrnrThen there’s a story. You have to add a story to that, like : Where it comes from? Why do you have this why? And all of that and why do you have this why… Why this promise? Why does it come from? Where are you trying to go? All of that is very important.rnrrnrThen there’s a brand map. So the brand map, when you have company then you list to them, 20 different positive points they say “we have them all”. But how would you feel, if one of your friends every time you talk about the quality say “oh I have that”. Would you like this friend? Would you appreciate someone who is only good and everything? No, no!rnrrnrAnd then they are, there’s the neuromarketing. How do you attract attention? And then the archetypes. How are you seeing as a person? How is your company seen as a person? How are you felt? And that the two parts I’m gonna zoom in. So neuromarketing, it’s probably the first framework we used at enigma to analyze how you create belief. Because we are doing marketing. So many times, we have to buy media space and create ads. That was most of our business years ago. Today it’s not most of our business, we do a lot of other stuff. But so we had to find a way to say this ad will perform better, than this ad. We don’t know yet, but we have a framework to say it will perform better. And the framework I used is something about “how do you fascinate the fascination triggers”.rnrAnd there is only seven ways, you can fascinate people. So then there is the archetype, so the archetypes. And it’s basically tapping into the imaginary. And the way the archetypes are done is : You got twelve archetypes. So for example, Caregiver, that’s basically young archetypes. Caregiver, Member, Warrior or Innocence. And then there is a second level of the same archetype : Creator, Lover, Outlaw, Explorer. And then there’s the achieve way, that is Ruler, Jester, Magician, Sage. So when someone say “Oh, oh I just created my company and I want to be seen at a Sage”. You need to hire a lot of people, with a loooooooot of experience because you cannot be seen.. you cannot start at the Sage. By the way, when we talk about someone, when we say “Oh this is a Sage”. We say: “Yeah he was doing that and that. And then he studied Buddhism and then he went to retreat and then you became a Buddhist monk and then… he went in another retreat and.. I think this guy is really amazing”. But you have a big story behind, because first he was the Innocent. They didn’t really know what he wanted to do, then he explored the world and brought back knowledge from around. And then he became the Sage. So.. if you want to be seen as the Magician, for example. The Magician is the one that it could take anything and transform it into anything, that is a super cool archetype! You have to start by being the Warrior trying what you are.. proving what you are by courage, destroy, attack. The Outlaw then you need to rebel against a power, then you will become the Magician. So this is a super hardcore path. It’s the result is cool, but the path is hard.rnrrnrSo I’d like to thank this little girl because she brought me into this. And thanks to Sophia since then we signed the religion. We recently signed a religion and have to help them to have more believers. So we’re going to use that.rnrThank you very much.rnrrnrWell we hope you liked this video so if you do please subscribe to our YouTube channel and share it, leave us a comment. We’re always very happy to discuss. Wish with you all the best.
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