Un site internet unique en son genre et une connexion aux réseaux sociaux réussie
Le département web brocki.ch de L’Armée du Salut a contacté Enigma afin de développer un nouveau site internet attractif pour les clients et facile d’utilisation pour les gérants de boutiques.
Grâce à ses 19 boutiques, le département brocki.ch de l’Armée du Salut est devenu un leader dans le domaine de la vente au détail de produits de seconde main en Suisse. Les bénéfices sont redistribués dans des projets sociaux. Le mandat d’Enigma par brocki.ch de L’Armée du Salut consistait en la création d’un site internet qui inciterait les clients à se rendre dans les magasins et qui serait facile d’utilisation pour les gérants de boutique.

Le coeur du site internet représente une vitrine de boutique qui est inspirée du branding de L’Armée du Salut. Dans cette vitrine virtuelle se trouvent des objets que l’on peut réellement se procurer en magasins. Elle est également remplie de photos Instagram et intègre donc le réseau social dans le site internet d’une manière unique. Les gérants de boutiques peuvent actualiser la page du magasin par une simple photo Instagram au lieu d’utiliser une interface complexe.
Lorsque les clients arrivent sur le site internet, seuls deux boutons sont disponibles: acheter ou donner. Cela amène le client à faire un choix simple entre acheter ou donner des biens.Les internautes sont ensuite directement redirigés sur la landing page de leur boutique locale.

Concept: shop window
The aim of the shop window is to inspire. It takes up the idea of a treasure hunt and rummaging, thus presenting an online experience similar to that which can be experienced in the brocki.ch stores.

Transversal branding
The website’s branding is consistent and thus transversal. The title font is the same typeface as that of the Salvation Army, which is used by the stores for all their signs and communication; the same design can also be found on posters and other offline elements. Likewise, the “shop window” principle adopts the Salvation Army branding.

The brocki.ch doesn’t only sell used material and practical objects, but is also a social institution that is committed to sustainability. Dedicated to the brocki.ch’s social mission is a manifesto page that displays both the project being supported as well as portraits of people associated with the brocki.ch.

The website is bilingual. A large part of the Swiss population is appealed to by using the two main languages, German and French.
Details: store locator and dynamic navigation
Enigma has worked out every detail ambitiously. An intelligent store locator brings visitors quickly to their local brocki.ch store, which they are allowed to set as favourites. Dynamic navigation on the page of every store helps to distinguish the corporate level of every local store. Therefore, the usability is increased while leveraging state of the art technology.

A barrier-free website
The brocki.ch characterizes social change and connects people. The site meets all the requirements of the WCAG 2AA certificate and makes its content accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities.

My brocki.ch
Finally, the brocki.ch is something personal and customers have their favourite stores. They can select their favourite stores on the landing page and the next time they visit the website, their favourite stores are displayed prominently.
Content creation and unambiguous identity
Integrating Instagram helps store managers to keep the website up to date with daily Instagram posts. The versatile content gets likes on Instagram and thus extends the total reach of the online presence of the brocki.ch. In addition, the content can be used in the Instagram style for traditional media (posters and newsletters) and gives a clear identity to the communication style of the brocki.ch.