Better Spaces Workshop

Including employees and stakeholders to co-create their working environment.

Better spaces help employees be more productive

Did you know that every day up to 86 minutes per employee is lost due to an optimized interior architecture?

At Enigma, we are currently building a new office in Bern and we discovered that no one really addressed with this problematic. So our LAB did some research, we found out that this new space should be designed with the people who going to use it. We found out that employees should be included in the process and we found out that the human centric approach makes with data, is the key to success. Your company is moving in a new space, but you just want to upgrade your work setting? We have a framework for that.

The better spaces framework that the Enigma LAB created, will help you find out what needs to be changed to reach your goals. This framework looks not only at architectural elements, but also behaviors and object. How can you boost focus in a loud environment : put some walls? Yes, if you look only at the architectural aspects. But you can also solve this actual issue by adding objects, that cost most less. For example, noise cancelling headphones reach the same goal such as a fraction of the price of a wall, plus it's a nice gift for your employees. The co-creation workshop of this new service will help you create the work environment with all stakeholders, your employees and managers, architects, interior designers, even your current with all together use creativity to prototype your innovative workplace. We use creativity and prototyping to avoid the long inefficient talks about dreams. Lego prototyping, mood boards and other creativity tools will help you discover actionable insights much faster and this in a playful atmosphere.


The goal of this workshop is to bring bottom up insights about what makes employees more productive and happier in the workplace. To make this happen the Enigma Lab created a participatory methodology that translates people’s needs into work environment prototypes.

Outcome of the workshop

The results of the workshop help shrink the research and exploration phase of the interior architecture process. It helps your company, your architect and your employees be synced on the common goal and way to achieve this goal. Here the details of the outcome:

  • Timeline of activity per persona
  • Meta activities that fit for the whole company
  • Better Spaces Frameworks filled out for each meta activity
  • Prototypes of key spaces
  • Detailed imagery of each space and object of the new space
  • Strategic report that serves as a common ground between the architects, the employees and all stakeholders
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Our approach

The Better Space Framework

This tool developed by the Enigma Lab helps teams to think holistically. Workshop teams have to find out enablers and blockers for a specific task they want to achieve. These blockers and enablers can be employee behaviors, spaces or objects. All these elements will be then used to prototype how the space could look like.

better spaces workshop

The Workshop

The workshop brings together employees, managers, architects and other partners together. Together they define what are the goals they want to achieve in the space and create prototypes that show how the mix of space and objects would make them arrive to these goals.

better spaces workshop


1 day workshop

The 1 day workshop is the condensed version that gives you the following insights:
challenges for the new space, tasks, behaviors, activities should the space enable
plan of key spaces, look and feel of the spaces, look and feel of the objects.

2 days workshop

The 2 days workshop includes all elements from the 1 day workshop plus a full scale prototyping session. In this workshop format a full day is used to transform the small scale prototypes into 1:1 spaces where interactions can be tested through role play.

With the 2 days workshop you have not only insights but also user tests of the prototypes in real scale.

Contact us
Having a new space?
You want to improve your working environment? You have a new office that you have to plan and design?
Book your workshop
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