Performance Strategy System
Only 5% of all brands are strong enough to make a strategic difference. Their success relies on the perfect harmony between the brand’s storytelling, communication tools and the business strategy. The Performance Strategy System outlines the creation process of a brand in six steps: business strategy, which consists in analysis, exploration, and strategy; as well as storytelling, which includes design, conversion, and word of mouth.
Numerous competences are involved in the creation process: designers, strategists, the company’s leadership and many more. The Performance Strategy System offers a common language that expresses the unique features of the brand.
An exceptional brand must dissociate its success from its market; the Performance Strategy System presents a visual approach to the creation or improvement of a brand. It is published under a Creative Commons license. Therefore, you can copy it, use it and transform it, as long as you cite the source and share any concept modifications you may undertake under the same terms.
The Performance Strategy System was created by Olivier Perez Kennedy and Pascal Wicht. The latest available version is Version V5.01. It is an ongoing process that the authors improve constantly thanks to feedback and experience. You can download the current version at and sign up on the same website to learn more.