Becoming a Digital Nomad is a choice but also a responsibility
Before the Covid crisis, we thought we were a company of digital nomads. Proud to have no server, to be able to work 100% online, to have banished the use of email internally or to work remotely with colleagues from all across the world. However, the crisis has taught us that we still have a long way to go before we become true digital nomads!
For example, we discovered that we did not know how to ensure the integration of a new team member remotely. When new colleagues arrived, we were able to train them by being physically by their side but we didn’t know how to do it from afar. So we rolled up our sleeves to go further and – during the crisis – built a 100% digital welcome program for our new employees. We also continued working for those who trust us, our customers, and have adapted all our workshops to be 100% remote. We finally and plainly had to learn to collaborate in a different way.
See the positive
So, there was work that has been done during this crisis and a lot of good things came from it too. By spending more time at home, we spent more time with our loved ones, taking care of ourselves or learning new skills for example. By spending less time traveling to and from places, we also polluted less. Enigma is a small company, but imagine 30 people who no longer take cars, buses or trains on a daily basis, that’s quite something. And that counts.
We stay close to you
That’s why today we’d like to share our commitment with you. We believe it is our responsibility to leave public transport and roads to those who really need them, those who cannot do it any other way or who cannot work remotely. We want to leave room for others to keep safety distances. We want to work from home to limit our impact on pollution caused by travelling a lot. We wish to serve the companies that have trusted us for all these years with quality, even without travelling. We believe that it is our duty today to act in this direction.
But are we going to be further away from you, dear customers? No, we will rather be more available for you. So, instead of being the agency in your city, your canton or your country, we will now be the agency that takes up residence in your living room.
Our commitment is to continually improve our services for you and stay close to you by using all that digital technology allows us to do to stay together despite the distance.