Digital strategy – CREADIGITAL
What is a digital strategist? What kind of challenges does a digital strategist face daily? These are some of the issues that ENIGMA will address on June 16, 2011 at the CREADIGITAL school during a unique day-long seminar on digital strategy. Don’t miss this opportunity, and register as soon as possible!
We have transitioned from classical campaigns to 2.0 campaigns; it is thus essential to know the risks and challenges associated with this change. The influence of the Internet and social media is undeniable, whether in social interactions or in advertising. How can we use them most efficiently and turn them into powerful marketing tools?
Concepts such as E-reputation, KPI, marketing ambassadors, A/B testing and mass connectors comprise the daily vocabulary of a digital strategist. But what do they mean? What are the advantages of managing a classic market or a crisis situation online? These are the new stakes in branding. In order to be prepared and equipped to face these challenges, register now for the class “Becoming a Digital Strategist” taught by Olivier Perez Kennedy, ENIGMA’s CEO, by clicking on this link: