November 21, 2012

Management Tips: From Harvard Business Review

If you can get the essence of a book, its key concepts and its use in your business by reading a 5-page summary, Management Tips was written for you.

It looks like a small notebook that you can carry everywhere, and contains 50 articles, each of which fits on one page. They address numerous management topics and are organized in three sections:

– Manage yourself
– Manage your team
– Manage your business

The tips are simple effective, easy to implement and very close to real business life. One example: in order to optimize time resources, the book invites you to analyze the meetings you had in the last month, and to determine which ones did not contribute to meeting the company’s goals. After this analysis, you need to identify all upcoming meetings that are similar and to eliminate them.

This volume is full of surprises: you will be flabbergasted, surprised and pleased by the clear and concise articles, even by the ones that describe a seemingly obvious concept.
Adapted from the best articles published in the Harvard Business Review (, the book offers articles in a thought-through order. The first entry examines the ways to create new leadership models; the last article invites the reader to simplify things.
A great summary of today’s challenges.

This article has been posted by Olivier Kennedy
on November 21, 2012
in #Other
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