July 13, 2017

Neuromarketing: Enigma is entering the world of biometrics analysis

During these last years, Enigma brought user research and ethnographic studies in its analysis process. By doing so we were able to optimize websites and marketing campaigns for our clients. Today we are going one step further. We enter into the world of biometrics analysis.

Neuromarketing and biometrics

Enigma has a long track record of using neuromarketing studies and framework to inform its work. A few month ago we published a report on advertisements in the city of Bangkok, Thailand. Neuromarketing is also part of the Creative Footprint. The  Creative Footprint is used as a guide and a framework for the strategy and the brand positioning. Neuromarketing Triggers are one of the building blocks of this model developed by Enigma experts.

When you work in marketing, you often have to choose between different messages. To know which one is the best, you don’t have a lot of solutions. 20th century technique was basically gut feeling and maybe gathering experts in a room. But today we have access to new tools and one of them is biometrics. And with biometrics you analyze what happens in people’s brain when they are confronted to a new message. And this helps you to see which one have the most impact. We are really at the beginning of it but it’s already really promising.rnrAs we are Enigma, we always use new tools. We have a helmet that you can put on your head and see what is actually happening in your brain when you look at the visual or when you hear messages and then you look at a video. The feedback is about feelings such as interests engagement focus or excitement. This gives us additional information on everything you already have. And we can make things better and that’s the way we work at Enigma. We would like to make things better and bring added value to the people we work for.rnrSo now with this tool we have something that allows you to know what images are the strongest what message is the best or what part of the video affects people more and we know that this will brings a better impact in the end. And that’s a new tool in our setup that allows us to have more data… and as you know data beats opinion.

EEG and biometrics

We have started to analyze user and consumer reactions using an Electroencephalogram (EEG) Headset. This type of headset measures the electrical brain activity of a person. Through this, we are able to not only measure the actions of a person but the unconscious emotional state of a person.

beyond actions, we can measure the unconscious emotional state
this headset measures a person’s brain activity

Analysis of biometrics data with algorithms

The analysis of brain waves is something extremely complicated. At Enigma, we use algorithms developed by Emotiv. Emotiv is a bioinformatics company advancing the understanding of the human brain. Through these algorithms we are able to capture the emotional state of a user based on 6 points:

  1. Stress: measures how comfortable a user is with the current situation he is facing.

  2. Excitement: captures the level of emotional arousal of the user.

  3. Engagement: measures how immersed a user is in what he is experiencing.

  4. Interest: measures how much the user likes or dislikes something.

  5. Focus: measures the ability to concentrate and ignore distractions.

  6. Relaxation: measures the user ability to switch off and reach a calm mental state.

Access to worldwide benchmarks

With this new type of technology, we are able to define the emotional level of a specific experience. We can go even further by comparing to worldwide benchmarks. For example, we can see if the emotional level of a person browsing your website is higher or lower to the general benchmark of people browsing the web.

The potential for biometrics

We see the potential of mixing classical User Research, Quantitative Analytics Tools and Biometrics to improve the user experience. Here a few examples of concrete applications for biometrics studies:

Select advertisements

With biometrics data, we are able to measure which poster, banner or video clip creates a bigger interest and engagement. We don’t have to rely on basic intuition but we can test out what works better.

Improve user experience

Through the use of biometrics data, we are able to find out where there is a pain point in a specific experience. This experience can be an online experience like browsing a website. But it can also be an offline experience like visiting a retail store.

Coverage of Nouvo how Enigma is entering the world of biometrics

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