November 22, 2010


An increasing number of people contact ENIGMA with one request: Make me a Facebook campaign!

This is an international fact, said Jeremiah Owiyang at the recent WOM (word of mouth) conference.

“A Facebook campaign means a word of mouth campaign.” But word of mouth combined with social media can have extraordinary potential in terms of influence and dissemination.

Facebook is only a tool. It is neither a message nor a story. The most successful WOM campaigns are based on a good story and the passion that it generates. A WOM/Facebook campaign always starts with creative work, good writing, a strong concept, and a solid strategy. Community management only comes next.

If you are interested in these issues, I can show you some case studies that were created by ENIGMA and other talented agencies. You can also ask us to address a specific topic, or share with us case studies that you consider successful.

In the most recent publication from the Altimeter Group, Jeremiah Owyang presents an interesting 5-part model for analyzing societies in relation to social networking.

This article has been posted by Olivier Kennedy
on November 22, 2010
in #Other
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