Corporate gift

Biedermann SA

Enigma strategy & branding came up with an original corporate gift for a company specialized in wood-crafting: a box of wood-flavored pastries.


Design a corporate gift for Biedermann SA, a woodworking company in the Lake Geneva region, that is different from classical gestures.


Enigma developed an original idea, a box with wood-flavored French macarons. A blend between wood and sweetness, this unusual corporate gift brought together the spirit of the company and a sweet touch that is always enjoyed at this festive time of the year.

The elegant wish note was printed on a smooth and slightly coarse paper stock, just like wood.

The final product was enclosed in a refined but simple packaging–a great opportunity for Biedermann SA to reinforce the ties built with its clients throughout the year.


Corporate gift wish note
Overview of the corporate gift
Detail of the corporate gift wish note
Several corporate gifts overview
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