Facebook Community Management
Enigma, communication agency, was given a challenge by Aptaclub: to create and develop a Facebook Community of mothers and pregnant women around their brand.
To create a community of mothers and pregnant women.
The creation of a community of Aptaclub mothers and future mothers on Facebook (French and German languages in Switzerland).
Enigma created a rich environment that would foster a strong relationship between the brand and the new audience. We also built bridges with other communications tools.
Community management
- Constitution of a defined audience
- Creation of content
- Publication
- Community events
Mothers and future mothers took over the page, which is crucial for the brand’s online communication.
- More than 11,800 fans in 7 months
- Important reach (e.g. 135,000 people reached within one week in December 2014)
- Substantial engagement shown in posts (e.g. 2,126 people within one week in January 2015)
Check out Enigma’s other mandates for Aptamil: Mobile App Apta Babyname, Branding