The open secret of likeable brands
It’s early in the morning and I am sitting in the train on my way to work. Routinely I browse through the “Handelszeitung” on my iPad. Suddenly a picture of a sporty Audi pops up and distracts me from reading. I get fully awake and realize that it was not any unwanted gesture that brought up this picture but it was Audi spending a fractal percentage of its advertising budget on me.
Slightly puzzled or even irritated I click the “x” of the ad for it disappears. Reminding me of this morning I keep in mind that Audi disturbs my interest in the news, buys my attention with money and interrupts my reading on the tablet.
I experienced interruption marketing at its finest. Agreed, a nonethical guerrilla campaign with Audi cars as ghost drivers would claim the life of people, but nevertheless the unimaginative popup ad leaves a sour taste. In the nineties Seth Godin coined the term permission marketing in its purest form permission marketing aims to present products and services with the consent of potential customers. But still classical advertising is being applied cluelessly in electronic media and old patterns of ancient marketing strategies do not create likeable brands.
Today’s marketing must be different. Instead of buying attention with tons of money, brands are able to reduce their overall reach and focus on their potential clientele with targeted and individualized campaigns. New forms of advertising are not understood as disturbing factor anymore but as welcomed content that provide a value added for the target group. Companies that apply such marketing techniques leave a trace of positive experience and will be perceived as likeable brands.