Camille Bloch: A delightful corporate website

Camille Bloch

Enigma was commissioned by the Swiss Chocolate company Camille Bloch to create their new corporate website.


Enigma wanted to translate the Camille Bloch branding into a smooth and enjoyable digital experience for website visitors.  

Sketch 1
Sketch Icons


Translating branding into the digital world

The Enigma team created three possible ways of adapting the branding for the digital world. The adaption selected and developed added a notion of depth to the branding. By doing so, we were able to add a layer of animation to the website design that would delight website visitors.


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A delicate delight

Smooth “parallax-like” animations were used to create a smooth rhythm in the website. Elements that are at a different depth on the page scroll at a slightly different speed. This gives every element a unique personality and makes the design come to life.



The whole website navigation was simplified to allow a simpler navigation for visitors. There are less pages and information is condensed to help people find the information they need more quickly.

Ipad Menu

Future ready

The website was created with the future in mind.

It is also adaptable to changing needs through its modular structure. Pages are built with modules that can be re-used and re-arranged. In addition, landing pages can be built directly through this new website system.

mockup psd

In a sprint format

The website design was created in a so called “web design sprint”. The intensive phase of this four days sprint was carried out at the headquarters of the client. The result was the final website after two weeks.

Foto workshop
Devices 2


Thanks to the work in sprint mode, the website could be built and designed within a short time. Through a modular system that can be expanded with various features, Camille Bloch has the highest flexibility and a website that is aligned to their needs.

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