New communication for new votes

Parti Socialiste Genevois

The Parti Socialiste Genevois lost votes over the past few years, and they found their communication to be old-fashioned. They contacted Enigma to support them in modernizing their communication and to get people voting for them again.

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The Parti Socialiste Genevois had the ambition to modernize its communication in order to attract new voters as it was confronted with difficulties such as a decrease in popularity among the Geneva population as well as outdated communication. To achieve this goal, the client called upon our agency.


To meet the client’s request, we started by developing a marketing plan (PSS) to determine the most appropriate offering for the Parti Socialiste Genevois. This plan was created after an in-depth analysis of the politics in Geneva.

Next, we created a campaign concept to modernize the client’s communication. This concept was then deployed in a 360° campaign, which included a media plan and a digital campaign.

The digital campaign was implemented on different channels to reach a large audience. We used social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as advertising platforms DV360, DOOH and Google Ads. The impactful visuals were created by the Socialist Party based on our concept.

The concepts

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The project had a significant impact for the client. The modernized and impactful communication helped to attract new voters. Concrete results of the project include a new strategy based on an in-depth analysis of Geneva politics, a media plan for the election, +80% new website visitors per month and +8M impressions.

Thanks to this project, the Geneva Socialist Party was able to go beyond the borders and create a real impact on the voters. The PSG was able to communicate its vision to the public, which resulted in increased awareness and support from the people of Geneva. As a result, the party won a seat in the Grand Council, and 2 of their candidates are in the top 7 vote getters in the first round. They also allied themselves with the Green Party, who are also among these 7 people.

We are proud to have contributed to the mission of the Socialist Party of Geneva.

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