Online marketing: Experience-oriented communication


Enigma was able to carry out an online marketing campaign for Bärtschi, a store rich in tradition among the high-end Bernese opticians. It is also about to build up a Facebook and Instagram community for them.


Buying glasses at Bärtschi is an experience. A pair of glasses is more than just a fashion accessory; they must also match the character and personality of the wearer. Bärtschi therefore places personal advice at the forefront of their service, and at the same time is one of its most important unique features. Enigma’s goal was to create an online campaign that includes the Bärtschi experience without losing the focus of bringing people to the store at Zytglogge.

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The Bärtschi world

Enigma created a storyline and did content planning, which involved a thread in Facebook ads and community management on Facebook and Instagram. The focus lay on the experience, not only with glasses but also the interaction with employees, which was at the forefront. For example, Enigma launched an ad showing a beer with the text “How to buy a pair of glasses today”.


A unique pictorial world for Instagram

For Bärtschi’s community management on Instagram, Enigma developed a pictorial world exclusive to Bärtschi. The images are black and white, convey a lifestyle that matches Bärtschi and focus on details. The pictorial world is unique and gives Bärtschi a clear identity.

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A range of multi-faceted Facebook ads

Various ads were designed that had the aim of drawing attention to the exclusivity of Bärtschi. With the promotion of contact lenses, sunglasses, giveaways and events, the main goal was to bring people into the shop. As a principle, A/B testing was carried out for different visuals and the campaigns were constantly optimized.

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Google Search Ads with call tracking

The spectacles market is a highly competitive one with big brand names. In order to be found in the Bern region by the relevant target group, a Google search campaign including call tracking and extension was launched with the goal of bringing potential customers to the store. In addition, it was possible to track how many contacts could be generated effectively through a Google campaign or via the website.


A consistent Google Analytics account served as a tracking tool. Conversions were easy to track and website visitors’ behavior provided important insights into customer profiles and their activities. Online marketing provided a useful side effect of extensive market understanding. The promotion increased the number of site visitors immensely, while the average stay time of three minutes remained very high.

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