Communication strategy for the Salvation Army’s officer training
Enigma has developed an extensive communication strategy for the Salvation Army’s officership. At the center of this strategy was the creation of an identity for the Salvation Army officership to help lead people toward becoming Salvation Army officers. By building on the ‘want to know’, ‘want to do’, ‘want to buy’ communication moments, actions were designed to support people in their decision making. A thorough competitor analysis as well as qualitative surveys were carried out beforehand.
The Salvation Army officership is for people who decide to become a Salvation Army officer due to their Christian conviction. Such officers aim to support people in all situations of life. The goal of the campaign was to draw attention to the officership and make it attractive to young people and those with a vocation to full-time service, as well as to provide an insight into the activities of Salvation Army officers.
A thorough analysis of the personnel marketing strategies of well-known companies and extremist groups as well as qualitative surveys of officers and non-officers provided many important insights into the best and worst communication strategy cases. Since potential officers will be at different stages of decision making, the measures were assigned to four different communication moments so that the right message could be conveyed at the right time.
Measures appropriate to the communication moments
Appropriate measures were developed for each communication moment to support people in their decision making.
‘want to know’ Moment

‘want to do’ Moment

‘want to decide’ moment

The centerpiece

The website and the video present the vocation in a contemporary way. A commitment is requested via the “I pray also” button. And finally, the target group is brought to the website with specific online advertising. The campaign conveys a message of the Salvation Army, which wants to get things moving and triggers positive feedback from viewers.