Storytelling with the element of surprise
Enigma developed an awareness campaign for Swiss Luggage SL AG leading up to the Christmas business.
The aim was to draw attention to the yet little known brand Swiss Luggage SL. A carbon suitcase developed to Swiss perfection was to be made known to potential customers. The communication, which previously focused primarily on technical aspects, was to be replaced by emotional storytelling and a moment of surprise.
In the video concept, the product was to be associated with its owner while the technical details should be hidden. The robustness of the object and thus its value proposition was conveyed by clever storytelling without talking about it or quoting any facts. The video aimed to attract attention Swiss Luggage SL AG and for them to appear on the market as a viable alternative to established brands.
The storyboard staged the suitcase as the companion of a crazy protagonist who is not distracted from his path by winter, the forest or rocky cliffs. Wonderful postcard scenes at the beginning, accompanied by animating music, keep the tension high among the viewers. The highlight is the surprising change, which additionally underlined. After a short walk through wintery beauty, the protagonist throws his suitcase over an overhanging cliff and jumps after it with a wingsuit. The music pulsates for a few seconds and becomes calm again.
The shooting took place in the Bernese Oberland in order to attract international attention with the backdrop of well-known mountain silhouettes. A great video was created under difficult conditions fits perfectly into the digital world.

Online marketing
The video was distributed via YouTube and Facebook. The targeting was aimed specifically at competitors as well as close to points of sale in order to boost not only awareness but also sales. Geographically, the campaign focused on Moscow, several cities in Germany and Switzerland.

Landing Page
On an emotionally designed landing page visitors were fascinated by the product. If they were interested, they could click on a link to the original website with content geared to technological strengths.

The brand was clearly emotionalized with the video and landing page and pushed the technical aspects to the background in terms of communication. Attention was generated for Swissluggage SL around various points of sale. The video received many positive comments and was shared organically. The campaign also gave the company’s Facebook page a new boost. Individual locations re-ordered suitcases for the first time after the campaign, which showed that Swissluggage ha gained considerable publicity. Due to great success, the campaign was extended, which managed to keep the reach and clicks up over a longer period of time.
Inspired? Check out 5 facts about Storytelling
Storytelling is old. Like, really ancient. Experts say this communication form is as old as human language. The first men used storytelling to make sense of their life and share knowledge. You will see examples of this old form of communication in the caves of Lascaux. There, the first homo sapiens expressed stories through wall paintings.