The future is now In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, innovative technologies are reshaping the…
The future is now In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, innovative technologies are reshaping the…
Fifty strategic models summarized in two or three pages and a picture. The explanations are clear and the models offer an ideal entry point to elucidate concepts that are sometimes complex.
Google just revealed its most secret product, a project that was known as Emerald Sea or,…
To celebrate its 25th birthday, MIT Media Lab recently gave itself a new visual identity. The…
The creation of a new product often happens through imitation. What happens next is that you…
Social media campaigns cannot exist without taking into account the employees of a company, often by…
We are very happy to have been nominated in three categories for the competition “Grand Prix…
What is a digital strategist? What kind of challenges does a digital strategist face daily? These…
Imagine if you could choose the advertising in your newspaper, before your favorite TV show, or on a billboard while you are stuck in traffic!
During my recent vacation in Greece, I discovered a remarkable boutique hotel.
Seth Godin is one of those marketing specialists whose visionary theories are quickly tested.
Amélie Boucher’s new book, Design & Interface Ergonomie web illustrée (“Illustrated Web Ergonomics”) is a real…
Discover the conference Branding & Social Media pictures and videos, which tooks place on Wednesday, March 16th, at Uni Dufour.
Discover an article on digital agencies, including ENIGMA, by Flavia Giovannelli. Entreprise Romande…
We’ve setup an archive of all tweets tagged #enigmacom, the hashtag used during our conference on…
Social media changed the way we communicate, and branding is facing new challenges. Today, a brand…
The evolution of technology has contributed to social change. At the same time, society has shaped…
The core principle of the website Dein Deal is to sell coupons that give 50% to…
ENIGMA suggests that you make a donation to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami…
Within less than 24 hours, two people recommended that I read immediately Business Model Generation: A…
Discover an article about social medias and Zappos from Olivier Perez Kennedy into the Market Magazine,…
Discover the romand digital agencies interviews by Victoria Marchand. Cominmag of February 2011:…
Discover the detailed plan of the conference and its speakers. “I realize everyone…
Typically, entrepreneurs seek three things: changing the world,…
This year, I had the chance to attend my first . Apart from…
For her third Bristol’s e-meeting, Victoria Marchand invites Olivier Perez Kennedy to talk about his experience…
A quite intriguing book with those three giant letters ZAG was on Olivier’s office, at Enigma.
I received this book from the hands of the author, Geno Church, during the 2010 WOMMA…
When looking at community management, the game dimension is key ; emotions are not enough.
When I go on vacation, I always stop at the newsstand to get a pile of…
Hello everybody! During my holidays in Thailand, I did not forget you. I…
Is product placement an efficient medium? Are corporate colors effective on a poster? Martin Lindstrom gives…
Phil Libin. I had tried a beta version of Evernote without…
Mikael Hed, founder and CEO of Rovio, originally created the game Angry Birds for iPhone. The…
When you buy a car, you have to buy gasoline about once a week. Even with…
Josh Garnosh, author of Groundswell, opened the Womma summit by presenting a number of new studies,…
Geno Church dirige une agence de communication word of mouth appelée Brains on Fire («cerveaux en…
Geno Church runs a great Word of Mouth Marketing agency in South Carolina, called Brains on…
I’m headed to . I check the program on the train… A talk by Gary Vaynerchuk,…
Ca y est, je peux enfin partir pour . Dans le train, je consulte le programme……
“Made to stick,” how to turn your idea into a success story All…
Comingmag wrote about the guerrilla marketing action and the Google AdWords campaign ENIGMA organized for the…
PEC, or Personal Emotion Connection is a personal, warm, and sincere relationship that is established with…
What was the highlight in Las Vegas ? MGM Grand? Céline Dion’s concerts? ? Strip-clubs ? The…
An increasing number of people contact ENIGMA with one request: Make me a Facebook campaign!…
CPC (cost per click) advertising offers new opportunities to promote a brand and to multiply sales…
Discover Olivier Perez Kennedy’s interview at the Lift Conference 2010, which annually brings together innovators of…