The future is now In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, innovative technologies are reshaping the…
The future is now In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, innovative technologies are reshaping the…
Our 2016 Full Potential Study has studied six brands of the insurance industry: CSS, La Mobilière,…
Our 2016 Full Potential study looked at six beverages brands: Rivella, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Life, Henniez, Fanta and…
Last Friday we published a blogpost stating that we’re certain Donald Trump will win the US…
Enigma held two conferences about the “New Way of Work” on October the 6th,…
Superhero Branding conference at NEXT16 On September 22nd, Olivier Kennedy and Martin Künzi gave a conference…
The conversion funnel: How does its use reflect the modernity of a marketing plan.
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar! Use the right formula to attract and keep customers.
Enigma presents Superhero branding at NEXT16 Today, we are very proud because Olivier Kennedy and Martin…
NODE invites Olivier Kennedy to hold a workshop conference at the Human Resources Solutions Fair taking…
In today’s world, success can no longer be built simply on affirmations and appearances. From now on, Enigma means much more than just playing the communications agency role.
What adaptations should you operate to make a success out of your advertising marketing at lower cost? Discover the evolution of quality indicators and redefine your strategy.
Trump’s “Trollitics” Most of the media doesn’t understand Trump’s strategy and usually gets trapped in a…
The success of Adblocks cannot be considered as an epiphenomenon anymore. In 2015, they increased by…
Since the beginning of 2016, three new specialists have arrived at Enigma as Seniors. Enigma increasingly…
Direct Sales force/Sales Until the early 20th century, sales teams were the key to marketing.
Enigma becomes the first Swiss communications agency to be active specifically in the field of politics. Explore our expertise and methods.
Did you notice that Television Advertisement is less and less efficient ? Discover the 3 causes that we identified to explain this phenomenon.
Discover the teaser to our upcoming workshop about the end of advertising and the rise of…
Emails are having a hard time, Enigma uses new means of communications that will inspire you !
The Marketing Map is a tool for the development of a marketing concept that is divided into five elements. Its central element is the story.
Miss Camping SA, events communication professional, offers a unique "tailored" event management concept.
The Fashion industry has always been considered as making its own rules, but today it is obliged to adopt new marketing strategies.
Successfully integrate the digital dimension to your business model in this changing environment.
Discover three Service Design steps you can make today to stand out in your industry.
Discover the challenges and issues facing the B2B in the current digital change.
Discover Enigma Lab’s new agile tool for brand analysis, and expand your brand to its full potential.
Enigma Production changes status and becomes a public limited company.
The seven deadly sins: you think you already know them, but are you able to avoid them and make your communication plan successful?
Enigma supports the disruptive model of Uber and a positive attitude toward change.
Google changes its mobile search algorithms on the 21st of April. Discover what this might imply for your website.
For more than ten years, to create marketing has involved establishing relationships between a brand and consumers. It is normal that advertising campaigns that embrace the monologue model lose an element of efficiency. Why is this so, and to the advantage of what new model?
In order to disseminate a message to the right target audience, it is important to know and compare the various media options. Enigma presents a study on the media available in Switzerland in 2015.
To create a successful Advocacy Marketing Campaign, you need to be worth talking about. How can you develop a brand to make it go viral? The Brand Strategy System outlines the creation process of a brand in six steps.
Digital medias allow us to create more precise business strategies. We now know how to target markets in details. Almost all the assumptions of your business and strategies can be tested.
The speed of a website has more impact that one could expect. Enigma shows some consequences.
Enigma is drilled to verify its strategies, concepts and measures. Olivier Perez Kennedy and Martin Künzi…
Here are 5 good reasons to improve your Twitter strategy.
At the Smart Marketing Conference three Keynote speakers will talk about the ongoing digitalization and smart marketing strategies illustrated by a business case of Victorinox.
Join the Value Proposition Design workshop with Alexander Osterwalder, organized on October 22nd 2014 at Enigma.
Take an inside look at Enigma's savoir-faire in PR 2.0. matters, as known as organizing the greatest bloggers events. Enjoy the content shared online from journalists, bloggers and fans about I.N.O.X. or cosmetics.
The German magazine Page conducted an interview with Olivier Perez Kennedy, the founder of the communication agency Enigma, on the creative mind. What are the challenges to be addressed? What is inspiring? A fascinating and boundless subject.
La Tribune de Genève published an article by journalist Elisabeth Tripod-Facio: “The Internet is also an…
UX Lausanne is the first event in Western Switzerland dedicated to user experience design. Adrian Zumbrunnen (IA/UX/UI Designer) presented "On Distraction-Free Reading Experiences."
Fort the website dedicated to the launch of the ChronoClassic 1/100 by Victorinox Swiss Army, Enigma won a CSS CSS Design Award, first step to be nominated for the website of the year.
The Art Directors Club (ADC) has just given out its yearly awards, including a silver medal to ENIGMA. This award distinguishes the development of a generative identity for the Alumni Association of the Polytechnic School in Lausanne (EPFL).
Discover how some brands become "likeable" by creating valuable content for their customers.
Enigma loue des places de bureau dans ses nouveaux locaux à Carouge. N'hésitez pas nous contacter si vous êtes intéressés !
Enigma is extremely pleased to have won the 1st Prize at the Meilleur du Web 2013 in the "Branding Campaigns" category for a project in collaboration with Indemnis. We would like to thank the lawyers at Indemnis for trusting us as well as our exceptional partners who form the Enigma Network.
Enigma is leaving Acacias and moving to the following address: 20, rue Joseph-Girard in Carouge.
Enigma is extremely pleased to have won the Grand Creation Prize 2013 for the category "Corporate Identity", with the project EPFL Alumni - Generative Identity. We would like to thank EPFL Alumni for trusting us, as well as our exceptional partners who form the Enigma Network. The Enigma Network is proud to have been awarded this prize coveted by 23 agencies.
There are numerous tools and techniques that help strengthening a brand identity, but they are not used well. If their roles are not understood and if they are not part of a serious strategic plan, these tools become useless and can even cause significant income losses.
In the context of the 2014 edition of the RP and Web 2.0 practices, Olivier Perez Kennedy will appear at the SPRI as a guest speaker. This seminar will tackle the various strategies and the new tools that specialists dispose of both in public relations and in journalism.
Only 5 percent of all brands are strong enough to make a strategic difference. Their success relies on the perfect harmony between the brand’s storytelling, communications tools and the business strategy.
We are very honored and proud to announce that we've been featured in the last issue of Page Magazine, a prestigious german magazine.
“No blah blah, only tools.” This could summarize the conference that took place in Berlin in April 2013, initiated by Alexander Osterwalder.
To celebrate its fifth birthday in style, the Geneva-based advertising firm Enigma just earned the Swiss Made label. Olivier Perez Kennedy tells us why, as a service-oriented agency, it is important to cover all bases.
Why wait until your website is obsolete to change or improve it? Any CMS should look at content and format separately.However, how many times have you changed your format? Very often, the answer is “never.”
All media see a decrease in consumers, except for Internet that enjoys a spectacular increase of time spent online, as well as television that is slightly increasing.
Enigma is now recognized for the quality of its services, excellence as a driving principle, and an already solid reputation.
All industries have gone through fundamental change since the digital revolution led by the Internet and social media.
Au travers d'interviews inédites réalisées au WOMMA Summit 2012, découvrez les "Dos and Don'ts" pour 2013 de spécialistes du marketing et de la communication.
Véritable outil pour les entrepreneurs contemporains, ce livre permet de revenir aux principes de base d'échange et de fonctionnement au sein des réseaux.
If you can get the essence of a book, its key concepts and its use in your business by reading a 5-page summary, Management Tips was written for you.
New technologies have often been criticized, and held responsible for many ills.
After more than 40 years out of sight, the eralier version of the famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci was presented in Geneva on 27 September 2012.
If this book were only a compilation of brainstorming ideas, it would already be worth a read. There are over 60 exercises that are explained and illustrated with examples.
The phenomenon is called digital skeuomorphism. The buttons for iPhone apps are one of the most common examples.
In 2011, at times of economic turmoil, it is surprising to hear someone say “thank you, economy!” While many companies are going through hardship, some entrepreneurs know how to transform ideas into success. Think about it; being successful during the Glorious Thirty Years is the least you can ask for; being successful in times of crisis really means success.
Sao Paolo, Brazil, is the fourth most populated city in the world, and the largest city in the southern hemisphere. In 2007, mayor Gilberto Kassab had a bill passed banning advertisement. Whether it was a political game, an anti-advertising sentiment or a response to a real problem, the Brazilian Supreme Court considered the bill constitutional.
Management suffers from one shortage: time. Numerous books offer solutions to improve relationships within your team or to lead more effectively.
On parle d'Enigma dans l'AGEFI du vendredi 8 juin 2012. Découvrez l'article.
Alchemy Social, la solution pour affiner vos campagnes Facebook selon l'objectif de Coût Par Acquisition (CPA) que vous vous êtes fixé.
Do you want to launch a campaign or appear on Facebook? Regardless of the brand, product…
Do you want to understand how to use social media in your business ? Do you want…
The leading European conference for the digital industry. The 8th & 9th of May, follow Olivier in Berlin with our exclusive Storify.
This book is another collection of quotes, proverbs or sayings, but it is adapted to marketers…
Discover an explanation on the main terms of online advertisement.
You may not know what QR code is, but you have probably seen a black and white square on a poster or in a magazine. What is their purpose?
Skip from the early adopters market to the early majority market is frequently the most difficult time for a new product.
On March 30, 2012 Facebook take a major turn in adopting Timeline. The social network site a chronological logic which is a real opportunity for brands. Discover some useful updates in this article!
It is a fact that traditional advertising is declining. This industry is…
Lobbyists for Hollywood and the music industry—the famous Music and Film Industry Association of America™ (MAFIAA™) are putting pressure in Congress to pass two anti-piracy bills: SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act).These bills would allow content providers to block access to their websites, to cancel all advertising, and to pull out search engines results.
The next session will take place the 15th of march.
Drive: 9 techniques to work on yourself, 9 ways to improve the team's motivation! Don't wait to read this article on the mechanisms behind the motivation!
In Paris, the conference «LeWeb» beated its own record of attendance, increased by 50%. This success is the evidence of the deep awareness of the paradigm shift in business. Find out more in this article!
We often hear of the buzz, but do you know what this term really means? Discover it thanks to the interview with Olivier Perez Kennedy!
On last November 30th, Enigma’s team went to the Best of Web 2011 at Uptown Geneva.
Exclusively, the 6 marketing tips to retain from WOMMA! If you haven't be able to go to Las Vegas for the event, do not miss our summary!
A few days ago, Facebook’s statistical analysis system was improved. From now on, as a page…
Duct Tape Marketing covers an impressive number of topics. It is an excellent guide for entrepreneurs. Interested? Click here!
Enigma has tested the method according to the Business Model Generation book by Alexander Osterwalder! Here are some pictures of the day!
Rich Horwath gives a summary of a company strategy rather than goals. Indeed, increasing the client…
The web is a playground that is constantly renewing itself. Technology evolves at an incredible pace…
Mindsets are evolving and communication tools are numerous. However, political structures and decision-making mechanisms in Switzerland…
The penetration rate of social network is higher today in Switzerland than in was in 2008 in the United States, at the time of Barack Obama’s election. However, the Swiss political elite is still very cautious when it comes to investing in social networking. The web tool 2.0 is far from being mastered or used efficiently. Learn more about how social media can help a political campaign.
Enigma Productions, an advertising agency located in Geneva, set up a team of professionals that has created web-based communication strategies for two years. Their clients include the Sandoz Family Office, the Liberal Party of Geneva, and brands such as Nespresso. Its CEO, Olivier Perez Kennedy, analyzes the new trends in web strategies that are adapted to social networking.