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In today’s world, success can no longer be built simply on affirmations and appearances. From now on, Enigma means much more than just playing the communications agency role.

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Since the beginning of 2016, three new specialists have arrived at Enigma as Seniors. Enigma increasingly…

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For more than ten years, to create marketing has involved establishing relationships between a brand and consumers. It is normal that advertising campaigns that embrace the monologue model lose an element of efficiency. Why is this so, and to the advantage of what new model?

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Enigma is drilled to verify its strategies, concepts and measures. Olivier Perez Kennedy and Martin Künzi…

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Fort the website dedicated to the launch of the ChronoClassic 1/100 by Victorinox Swiss Army, Enigma won a CSS CSS Design Award, first step to be nominated for the website of the year.

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The Art Directors Club (ADC) has just given out its yearly awards, including a silver medal to ENIGMA. This award distinguishes the development of a generative identity for the Alumni Association of the Polytechnic School in Lausanne (EPFL).

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Enigma is extremely pleased to have won the 1st Prize at the Meilleur du Web 2013 in the "Branding Campaigns" category for a project in collaboration with Indemnis. We would like to thank the lawyers at Indemnis for trusting us as well as our exceptional partners who form the Enigma Network.

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There are numerous tools and techniques that help strengthening a brand identity, but they are not used well. If their roles are not understood and if they are not part of a serious strategic plan, these tools become useless and can even cause significant income losses.

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In the context of the 2014 edition of the RP and Web 2.0 practices, Olivier Perez Kennedy will appear at the SPRI as a guest speaker. This seminar will tackle the various strategies and the new tools that specialists dispose of both in public relations and in journalism.

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Only 5 percent of all brands are strong enough to make a strategic difference. Their success relies on the perfect harmony between the brand’s storytelling, communications tools and the business strategy.

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To celebrate its fifth birthday in style, the Geneva-based advertising firm Enigma just earned the Swiss Made label. Olivier Perez Kennedy tells us why, as a service-oriented agency, it is important to cover all bases.

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Why wait until your website is obsolete to change or improve it? Any CMS should look at content and format separately.However, how many times have you changed your format? Very often, the answer is “never.”

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Au travers d'interviews inédites réalisées au WOMMA Summit 2012, découvrez les "Dos and Don'ts" pour 2013 de spécialistes du marketing et de la communication.

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In 2011, at times of economic turmoil, it is surprising to hear someone say “thank you, economy!” While many companies are going through hardship, some entrepreneurs know how to transform ideas into success. Think about it; being successful during the Glorious Thirty Years is the least you can ask for; being successful in times of crisis really means success.

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Sao Paolo, Brazil, is the fourth most populated city in the world, and the largest city in the southern hemisphere. In 2007, mayor Gilberto Kassab had a bill passed banning advertisement. Whether it was a political game, an anti-advertising sentiment or a response to a real problem, the Brazilian Supreme Court considered the bill constitutional.

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Management suffers from one shortage: time. Numerous books offer solutions to improve relationships within your team or to lead more effectively.

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The leading European conference for the digital industry. The 8th & 9th of May, follow Olivier in Berlin with our exclusive Storify.

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You may not know what QR code is, but you have probably seen a black and white square on a poster or in a magazine. What is their purpose?

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Lobbyists for Hollywood and the music industry—the famous Music and Film Industry Association of America™ (MAFIAA™) are putting pressure in Congress to pass two anti-piracy bills: SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act).These bills would allow content providers to block access to their websites, to cancel all advertising, and to pull out search engines results.

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Drive: 9 techniques to work on yourself, 9 ways to improve the team's motivation! Don't wait to read this article on the mechanisms behind the motivation!

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The penetration rate of social network is higher today in Switzerland than in was in 2008 in the United States, at the time of Barack Obama’s election. However, the Swiss political elite is still very cautious when it comes to investing in social networking. The web tool 2.0 is far from being mastered or used efficiently. Learn more about how social media can help a political campaign.

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Enigma Productions, an advertising agency located in Geneva, set up a team of professionals that has created web-based communication strategies for two years. Their clients include the Sandoz Family Office, the Liberal Party of Geneva, and brands such as Nespresso. Its CEO, Olivier Perez Kennedy, analyzes the new trends in web strategies that are adapted to social networking.

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Vous lisez le blog de l'Agence Adwords, SEO, de communication digitale et de publicité programmatique Enigma, dans laquelle nous abordons les sujets de branding, marketing digital, marketing as a service, et création de sites internet.
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